Internet of Things (IoT)
IoT connects everything in your life!
What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? IoT is a communication way for “things” such as the home appliances nearby and as far as the entire city. Imagining that the air conditioner will turn on automatically in summer, the health detection bracelet will automatically provide relevant information and services, a system will control the water and temperature level during planting, and the smart streetlight will control the brightness by measuring the population density to save energy. All of these ideas sound like a fantasy story, but they can actually be achieved by IoT.
Digital technology is the home ground of digiEasy. We provide you with consultancy services, IoT plan customizing and implementing services. Our professional data analysis services decompose the complex number into useful information. Our reports help you with understanding different data of the IoT.
Let contact us for more information!
Our IoT Plan
Smart Planting
digiEasy is developing Smart Planning project. We connect “things” which are water tank, sensor and UX light with professional digital skills. The AI system would take care of the greenhouse automatically with no manpower on the controlling of temperature, PH Level, nutrition, light, humidity and water. It would then send the data to computers and produce a report with data analytics.
Smart Planting is included in our ESG project too. If you are interested in it, please contact us for more information!